import os, clipboard, uuid, requests, re, sys, pycountry from pydisney.m3u8_formater import M3U8 languageCodes = { "zh-Hans": "zhoS", "zh-Hant": "zhoT", "pt-BR": "brPor", "es-ES": "euSpa", "en-GB": "enGB", "en-PH": "enPH", "nl-BE": "nlBE", "fil": "enPH", "yue": "zhoS", 'fr-CA':'caFra' } class Parser(object): def __init__(self, m3u8, atmos_m3u8, is2ch=False): self.m3u8 = m3u8 self.base = self.m3u8.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' if atmos_m3u8 is not None: self.isAtmos = True self.atmos_m3u8 = atmos_m3u8 self.atmos_base = self.atmos_m3u8.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' else: self.isAtmos=False self.is2ch = is2ch def countrycode(self, code): if code == 'cmn-Hans': return 'Mandarin Chinese (Simplified)', 'zh-Hans' elif code == 'cmn-Hant': return 'Mandarin Chinese (Traditional)', 'zh-Hant' elif code == 'es-419': return 'Spanish', 'spa' elif code == 'es-ES': return 'European Spanish', 'euSpa' elif code == 'pt-BR': return 'Brazilian Portuguese', 'brPor' elif code == 'pt-PT': return 'Portuguese', 'por' elif code == 'fr-CA': return 'French Canadian', 'caFra' elif code == 'fr-FR': return 'French', 'fra' lang_code = code[:code.index('-')] if '-' in code else code lang = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_2=lang_code) if lang is None: lang = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_3=lang_code) try: languagecode = languageCodes[code] except KeyError: languagecode = lang.alpha_3 return, languagecode def getCodec(self, codecs): if ishevc or ishdr or ishdrdv: search = 'hvc' else: search = 'avc' l = [] for c in codecs.split(','): if search in c: l.append(c) return l[-1] def Parser(self): AudioCodecs = None AudioExtension = None AudioList = [] subtitleList = [] forcedlist = [] videoList = [] added = set() manifest_req = requests.get(self.m3u8) video_manifest = M3U8(manifest_req.text) if self.isAtmos: atmos_req = requests.get(self.atmos_m3u8) try: audio_manifest = M3U8(atmos_req.text) audio_base = self.atmos_base audio_text = atmos_req.text except ValueError: audio_manifest = video_manifest audio_base = self.base audio_text = manifest_req.text else: audio_manifest = video_manifest audio_base = self.base audio_text = manifest_req.text if self.isAtmos: if 'atmos' in str(audio_text): AudioCodecs = 'atmos' AudioExtension = '.eac3' else: print('this item has no atmos.') print('trying ac3 6ch...') if 'eac-3' in str(audio_text): AudioCodecs = 'eac-3' AudioExtension = '.eac3' else: print('this item has no ac3 6ch, trying aac 2ch') if 'aac-128k' in str(audio_text): AudioCodecs = 'aac-128k' AudioExtension = '.aac' else: sys.exit(1) else: if self.is2ch: if 'aac-128k' in str(audio_text): AudioCodecs = 'aac-128k' AudioExtension = '.aac' else: print('this item has no aac 2ch') sys.exit(1) else: if 'eac-3' in str(audio_text): AudioCodecs = 'eac-3' AudioExtension = '.eac3' else: print('this item has no ac3 6ch, trying aac 2ch') if 'aac-128k' in str(audio_text): AudioCodecs = 'aac-128k' AudioExtension = '.aac' else: print('this item has no aac 2ch') sys.exit(1) if AudioCodecs is None or AudioExtension is None: print('error while search for audio codec in m3u8 streams.') sys.exit(1) video_streams = [x for x in video_manifest.master_playlist if x['TAG'] == 'EXT-X-STREAM-INF'] audio_streams = [x for x in audio_manifest.master_playlist if x['TAG'] == 'EXT-X-MEDIA'] subs_streams = [x for x in video_manifest.master_playlist if x['TAG'] == 'EXT-X-MEDIA'] for video in video_streams: if not video["URI"] in added: bitrate = 'None' if'([0-9]*)k_', video["URI"]): bitrate = str('([0-9]*)k_', video["URI"])[1]) else: if'([0-9]*)_complete', video["URI"]): bitrate = str('([0-9]*)_complete', video["URI"])[1]) videoList.append( { 'resolution': video["RESOLUTION"], 'codec': str(video["CODECS"]), 'bandwidth': str(video["BANDWIDTH"]), 'bitrate': bitrate, 'height': video["RESOLUTION"].rsplit('x', 1)[1], 'url': self.base+video["URI"] } ) added.add(video["URI"]) for m in audio_streams: if m['TYPE'] == 'AUDIO' and m['GROUP-ID'] == AudioCodecs and m.get('CHARACTERISTICS') is None: bitrate = 'None' if'([0-9]*)k_', m["URI"]): bitrate = str('([0-9]*)k_', m["URI"])[1]) else: if'([0-9]*)_complete', m["URI"]): bitrate = str('([0-9]*)_complete', m["URI"])[1]) bitrate = '768' if str(m['CHANNELS']) == '16/JOC' and int(bitrate) > 768 else bitrate language, code = self.countrycode(m['LANGUAGE']) Profile = m['GROUP-ID'] Profile = "aac" if "aac" in m['GROUP-ID'].lower() else Profile Profile = "eac-3" if "eac-3" in m['GROUP-ID'].lower() else Profile Profile = "atmos" if "joc" in m['GROUP-ID'].lower() else Profile AudioList.append( { 'language': str(language), 'code': str(code), 'bitrate': bitrate, 'codec': Profile, 'channels': str(m['CHANNELS'].replace('"', "").replace("/JOC", "")), 'url': audio_base+m['URI'] } ) for m in subs_streams: if m['TYPE'] == 'SUBTITLES' and m['FORCED'] == 'NO': language, code = self.countrycode(m['LANGUAGE']) subtitleList.append( { 'language': str(language), 'code': str(code), 'url': self.base+m['URI'] } ) if m['TYPE'] == 'SUBTITLES' and m['FORCED'] == 'NO' and m['LANGUAGE'] == 'en': language, code = self.countrycode(m['LANGUAGE']) subtitleList.append( { 'language': str(language), 'code': 'sdh-' + str(code), 'url': self.base+m['URI'] } ) if m['TYPE'] == 'SUBTITLES' and m['FORCED'] == 'YES': language, code = self.countrycode(m['LANGUAGE']) forcedlist.append( { 'language': str(language), 'code': str(code), 'url': self.base+m['URI'] } ) videoList = sorted(videoList, key=lambda k: int(k['bandwidth'])) print(videoList) return videoList, AudioList, subtitleList, forcedlist, AudioExtension