# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Module: Paramount Plus Downloader # Created on: 19-02-2021 # Authors: JUNi # Version: 2.0 import urllib.parse import re, base64, requests, sys, os import subprocess, shutil import xmltodict, isodate import json, ffmpy import http, html, time from unidecode import unidecode from http.cookiejar import MozillaCookieJar from titlecase import titlecase from pymediainfo import MediaInfo import pywidevine.clients.paramountplus.config as pmnp_cfg from pywidevine.clients.proxy_config import ProxyConfig from pywidevine.muxer.muxer import Muxer from pywidevine.clients.paramountplus.downloader import WvDownloader from pywidevine.clients.paramountplus.config import WvDownloaderConfig currentFile = 'paramountplus' realPath = os.path.realpath(currentFile) dirPath = os.path.dirname(realPath) USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36' SESSION = requests.Session() def main(args): global _id proxies = {} proxy_meta = args.proxy if proxy_meta == 'none': proxies['meta'] = {'http': None, 'https': None} elif proxy_meta: proxies['meta'] = {'http': proxy_meta, 'https': proxy_meta} SESSION.proxies = proxies.get('meta') proxy_cfg = ProxyConfig(proxies) if not os.path.exists(dirPath + '/KEYS'): os.makedirs(dirPath + '/KEYS') else: keys_file = dirPath + '/KEYS/PARAMOUNTPLUS.txt' try: keys_file_pmnp = open(keys_file, 'r') keys_file_txt = keys_file_pmnp.readlines() except Exception: with open(keys_file, 'a', encoding='utf8') as (file): file.write('##### One KEY per line. #####\n') keys_file_pmnp = open(keys_file, 'r', encoding='utf8') keys_file_txt = keys_file_pmnp.readlines() def alphanumericSort(l): def convert(text): if text.isdigit(): return int(text) else: return text def alphanum_key(key): return [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)] return sorted(l, key=alphanum_key) def convert_size(size_bytes): if size_bytes == 0: return '0bps' else: s = round(size_bytes / 1000, 0) return '%ikbps' % s def get_size(size): power = 1024 n = 0 Dic_powerN = {0:'', 1:'K', 2:'M', 3:'G', 4:'T'} while size > power: size /= power n += 1 return str(round(size, 2)) + Dic_powerN[n] + 'B' def getKeyId(name): mp4dump = subprocess.Popen([pmnp_cfg.MP4DUMP, name], stdout=(subprocess.PIPE)) mp4dump = str(mp4dump.stdout.read()) A = find_str(mp4dump, 'default_KID') KEY_ID_ORI = '' KEY_ID_ORI = mp4dump[A:A + 63].replace('default_KID = ', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace(' ', '') if KEY_ID_ORI == '' or KEY_ID_ORI == "'": KEY_ID_ORI = 'nothing' return KEY_ID_ORI def find_str(s, char): index = 0 if char in s: c = char[0] for ch in s: if ch == c: if s[index:index + len(char)] == char: return index index += 1 return -1 def mediainfo_(file): mediainfo_output = subprocess.Popen([MediaInfo_exe, '--Output=JSON', '-f', file], stdout=(subprocess.PIPE)) mediainfo_json = json.load(mediainfo_output.stdout) return mediainfo_json def ReplaceDontLikeWord(X): try: X = X.replace(" : ", " - ").replace(": ", " - ").replace(":", " - ").replace("&", "and").replace("+", "").replace(";", "").replace("ó", "o").\ replace("[", "").replace("'", "").replace("]", "").replace("/", "").replace("//", "").\ replace("’", "'").replace("*", "x").replace("<", "").replace(">", "").replace("|", "").\ replace("~", "").replace("#", "").replace("%", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(",", "").\ replace("?","").replace("¿","") except Exception: X = X.replace(" : ", " - ").replace(": ", " - ").replace(":", " - ").replace("&", "and").replace("+", "").replace(";", "").\ replace("ó", "o").replace("[", "").replace("'", "").replace("]", "").replace("/", "").\ replace("//", "").replace("’", "'").replace("*", "x").replace("<", "").replace(">", "").replace("|", "").\ replace("~", "").replace("#", "").replace("%", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(",", "").\ replace("?","").replace("¿","") return titlecase(X) def replace_code_lang(X): X = X.lower() X = X.replace('es-mx', 'es-la').replace('pt-BR', 'pt-br').replace('dolby digital', 'en').replace('dd+', 'en') return X def get_cookies(file_path): try: cj = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(file_path) cj.load() except Exception: print('\nCookies not found! Please dump the cookies with the Chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cookiestxt/njabckikapfpffapmjgojcnbfjonfjfg and place the generated file in ' + file_path) print('\nWarning, do not click on "download all cookies", you have to click on "click here".\n') sys.exit(0) cookies = str() for cookie in cj: cookie.value = urllib.parse.unquote(html.unescape(cookie.value)) cookies = cookies + cookie.name + '=' + cookie.value + ';' cookies = list(cookies) del cookies[-1] cookies = ''.join(cookies) return cookies cookies_file = 'cookies_pmnp.txt' cookies = get_cookies(dirPath + '/cookies/' + cookies_file) pmnp_headers = { 'Accept':'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'*', 'cookie':cookies, 'User-Agent':USER_AGENT } def mpd_parsing(mpd_url): base_url = mpd_url.split('stream.mpd')[0] r = SESSION.get(url=mpd_url) r.raise_for_status() xml = xmltodict.parse(r.text) mpdf = json.loads(json.dumps(xml)) length = isodate.parse_duration(mpdf['MPD']['@mediaPresentationDuration']).total_seconds() tracks = mpdf['MPD']['Period']['AdaptationSet'] def get_pssh(track): pssh = '' for t in track["ContentProtection"]: if t['@schemeIdUri'].lower() == 'urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed': pssh = t["cenc:pssh"] return pssh def force_instance(x): if isinstance(x['Representation'], list): X = x['Representation'] else: X = [x['Representation']] return X video_list = [] for video_tracks in tracks: if video_tracks['@contentType'] == 'video': pssh = get_pssh(video_tracks) for x in force_instance(video_tracks): try: codecs = x['@codecs'] except (KeyError, TypeError): codecs = video_tracks['@codecs'] video_dict = { 'Height':x['@height'], 'Width':x['@width'], 'Bandwidth':x['@bandwidth'], 'ID':x['@id'], 'TID':video_tracks['@id'], 'Codec':codecs} video_list.append(video_dict) video_list = sorted(video_list, key=(lambda k: int(k['Bandwidth']))) while args.customquality != [] and int(video_list[(-1)]['Height']) > int(args.customquality[0]): video_list.pop(-1) audio_list = [] for audio_tracks in tracks: if audio_tracks['@contentType'] == 'audio': for x in force_instance(audio_tracks): try: codecs = x['@codecs'] except (KeyError, TypeError): codecs = audio_tracks['@codecs'] audio_dict = { 'Bandwidth':x['@bandwidth'], 'ID':x['@id'], 'TID':audio_tracks['@id'], 'Language':replace_code_lang(audio_tracks['@lang']), 'Codec':codecs} audio_list.append(audio_dict) audio_list = sorted(audio_list, key=(lambda k: (int(k['Bandwidth']), str(k['Language']))), reverse=True) if args.only_2ch_audio: c = 0 while c != len(audio_list): if '-3' in audio_list[c]['Codec'].split('=')[0]: audio_list.remove(audio_list[c]) else: c += 1 BitrateList = [] AudioLanguageList = [] for x in audio_list: BitrateList.append(x['Bandwidth']) AudioLanguageList.append(x['Language']) BitrateList = alphanumericSort(list(set(BitrateList))) AudioLanguageList = alphanumericSort(list(set(AudioLanguageList))) audioList_new = [] audio_Dict_new = {} for y in AudioLanguageList: counter = 0 for x in audio_list: if x['Language'] == y and counter == 0: audio_Dict_new = { 'Language':x['Language'], 'Bandwidth':x['Bandwidth'], 'Codec': x['Codec'], 'TID':x['TID'], 'ID':x['ID']} audioList_new.append(audio_Dict_new) counter = counter + 1 audioList = audioList_new audio_list = sorted(audioList, key=(lambda k: (int(k['Bandwidth']), str(k['Language'])))) audioList_new = [] if args.audiolang: for x in audio_list: langAbbrev = x['Language'] if langAbbrev in list(args.audiolang): audioList_new.append(x) audio_list = audioList_new return base_url, length, video_list, audio_list, [], pssh, mpdf def get_episodes(ep_str, num_eps): eps = ep_str.split(',') eps_final = [] for ep in eps: if '-' in ep: (start, end) = ep.split('-') start = int(start) end = int(end or num_eps) eps_final += list(range(start, end + 1)) else: eps_final.append(int(ep)) return eps_final _id = args.url_season.split('/')[-2] if '/video/' in args.url_season: content_regex = r'(\/shows\/)([\w-]+)(\/video\/)([\w-]+)' url_match = re.search(content_regex, args.url_season) _id = url_match[2] def get_content_info(): if 'shows' in args.url_season: pmnp_season_url = 'https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/{}/xhr/episodes/page/0/size/100/xs/0/season/{}/'.format(_id, '') season_req = requests.get(url=pmnp_season_url, headers=pmnp_headers, proxies=proxy_cfg.get_proxy('meta')) if not args.season: args.season = 'all' seasons = [] if args.season: if args.season == 'all': seasons = 'all' elif ',' in args.season: seasons = [int(x) for x in args.season.split(',')] elif '-' in args.season: (start, end) = args.season.split('-') seasons = list(range(int(start), int(end) + 1)) else: seasons = [int(args.season)] if seasons == 'all': seasons_list = [x['season_number'] for x in season_req.json()['result']['data']] seasons = sorted(set(seasons_list)) for season_num in seasons: pmnp_season_url = 'https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/{}/xhr/episodes/page/0/size/500/xs/0/season/{}/'.format(_id, season_num) season_req = requests.get(url=pmnp_season_url, headers=pmnp_headers, proxies=proxy_cfg.get_proxy('meta')) if season_req.json()['result']['total'] < 1: print('This season doesnt exist!') exit() for num, ep in enumerate(season_req.json()['result']['data'], start=1): episodeNumber = ep['episode_number'] seasonNumber = ep['season_number'] seriesTitle = ReplaceDontLikeWord(ep['series_title']) episodeTitle = ReplaceDontLikeWord(ep['label']) seriesName = f'{seriesTitle} S{seasonNumber:0>2}E{episodeNumber:0>2} - {episodeTitle}' folderName = f'{seriesTitle} S{seasonNumber:0>2}' raw_url = urllib.parse.urljoin('https://www.paramountplus.com', ep['metaData']['contentUrl']) episodes_list_new = [] episodes_dict = { 'id': ep['content_id'], 'raw_url': raw_url, 'pid':ep['metaData']['pid'], 'seriesName':seriesName, 'folderName':folderName, 'episodeNumber': num, 'seasonNumber':seasonNumber, 'pmnpType': 'show'} episodes_list_new.append(episodes_dict) episodes_list = [] for x in episodes_list_new: episodes_list.append(x) #episodes_list = sorted(episodes_list, key=lambda x: x['episodeNumber']) if args.episodeStart: eps = get_episodes(args.episodeStart, len(episodes_list)) episodes_list = [x for x in episodes_list if x['episodeNumber'] in eps] if 'video' in args.url_season: episodes_list = [x for x in episodes_list if x['id'] in url_match.group(4)] for content_json in episodes_list: start_process(content_json) if 'movies' in args.url_season: while 1: resp = requests.get(url=args.url_season + '/', headers=pmnp_headers, proxies=proxy_cfg.get_proxy('meta')) if resp.ok: break html_data = resp html_data = html_data.text.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', '').replace(' ', '') html_data_list = re.split('()(?i)', html_data) json_web = [] for div in html_data_list: if 'player.paramsVO.adCallParams' in div: print() rg = re.compile('(player.metaData = )(.*)(;player.tms_program_id)') m = rg.search(div) if m: json_web = m.group(2) json_web = json.loads(json_web) content_dict = {} episodes_list = [] year_regex = r'(\d{4})' movieTitle = ReplaceDontLikeWord(json_web['seriesTitle']) try: r = re.search(year_regex, json_web['airdate']) except KeyError: r = re.search(year_regex, json_web['airdate_tv']) seriesName = f'{movieTitle} ({r.group(0)})' content_dict = { 'id':json_web['contentId'], 'raw_url': str(args.url_season), 'pid': json_web['pid'], 'seriesName':seriesName, 'folderName':None, 'episodeNumber':1, 'seasonNumber':1, 'pmnpType': 'movie'} episodes_list.append(content_dict) for content_json in episodes_list: start_process(content_json) def get_license(id_json): while 1: resp = requests.get(url=id_json['raw_url'], headers=pmnp_headers, proxies=proxy_cfg.get_proxy('meta')) if resp.ok: break html_data = resp html_data = html_data.text.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', '').replace(' ', '') html_data_list = re.split('()(?i)', html_data) json_web = [] for div in html_data_list: if '(!window.CBS.Registry.drmPromise) {' in div: rg = re.compile('(player.drm = )(.*)(;}player.enableCP)') m = rg.search(div) if m: json_web = m.group(2) json_web = json.loads(json_web) lic_url = json_web['widevine']['url'] header_auth = json_web['widevine']['header']['Authorization'] if not lic_url: print('Too many requests...') return lic_url, header_auth global folderdownloader if args.output: if not os.path.exists(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output) os.chdir(args.output) if ":" in str(args.output): folderdownloader = str(args.output).replace('/','\\').replace('.\\','\\') else: folderdownloader = dirPath + str(args.output).replace('/','\\').replace('.\\','\\') else: folderdownloader = dirPath.replace('/','\\').replace('.\\','\\') def get_manifest(id_json): api_manifest = 'https://link.theplatform.com/s/dJ5BDC/{}?format=SMIL&manifest=m3u&Tracking=true&mbr=true'.format(id_json['pid']) r = requests.get(url=api_manifest, headers=pmnp_headers, proxies=proxy_cfg.get_proxy('meta')) xmls = xmltodict.parse(r.text) smil = json.loads(json.dumps(xmls)) videoSrc = [] try: for x in smil['smil']['body']['seq']['switch']: videoSrc = x['video']['@src'] except Exception: videoSrc = smil['smil']['body']['seq']['switch']['video']['@src'] lic_url, header_auth = get_license(id_json) return {'mpd_url': videoSrc, 'license': lic_url, 'lic_header': header_auth} def start_process(content_info): drm_info = get_manifest(content_info) base_url, length, video_list, audio_list, subs_list, pssh, xml = mpd_parsing(drm_info['mpd_url']) video_bandwidth = dict(video_list[(-1)])['Bandwidth'] video_height = str(dict(video_list[(-1)])['Height']) video_width = str(dict(video_list[(-1)])['Width']) video_codec = str(dict(video_list[(-1)])['Codec']) video_format_id = str(dict(video_list[(-1)])['ID']) video_track_id = str(dict(video_list[(-1)])['TID']) if not args.onlykeys: if not args.novideo: print('\nVIDEO - Bitrate: ' + convert_size(int(video_bandwidth)) + ' - Profile: ' + video_codec.split('=')[0] + ' - Size: ' + get_size(length * float(video_bandwidth) * 0.125) + ' - Dimensions: ' + video_width + 'x' + video_height) print() if not args.noaudio: if audio_list != []: for x in audio_list: audio_bandwidth = x['Bandwidth'] audio_representation_id = str(x['Codec']) audio_lang = x['Language'] print('AUDIO - Bitrate: ' + convert_size(int(audio_bandwidth)) + ' - Profile: ' + audio_representation_id.split('=')[0] + ' - Size: ' + get_size(length * float(audio_bandwidth) * 0.125) + ' - Language: ' + audio_lang) print() if not args.nosubs: if subs_list != []: for z in subs_list: sub_lang = z['Language'] print('SUBTITLE - Profile: Normal - Language: ' + sub_lang) print() print('Name: ' + content_info['seriesName']) if content_info['pmnpType'] == 'show': CurrentName = content_info['seriesName'] CurrentHeigh = str(video_height) VideoOutputName = folderdownloader + '\\' + str(content_info['folderName']) + '\\' + str(CurrentName) + ' [' + str(CurrentHeigh) + 'p].mkv' else: CurrentName = content_info['seriesName'] CurrentHeigh = str(video_height) VideoOutputName = folderdownloader + '\\' + str(CurrentName) + '\\' + ' [' + str(CurrentHeigh) + 'p].mkv' if args.onlykeys: keys_all = get_keys(drm_info, pssh) with open(keys_file, 'a', encoding='utf8') as (file): file.write(CurrentName + '\n') print('\n' + CurrentName) for key in keys_all: with open(keys_file, 'a', encoding='utf8') as (file): file.write(key + '\n') print(key) else: if not args.novideo or (not args.noaudio): print("\nGetting KEYS...") try: keys_all = get_keys(drm_info, pssh) except KeyError: print('License request failed, using keys from txt') keys_all = keys_file_txt else: with open(keys_file, "a", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(CurrentName + "\n") for key in keys_all: with open(keys_file, "a", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(key + "\n") print("Done!") if not os.path.isfile(VideoOutputName): if not args.novideo: inputVideo = CurrentName + ' [' + str(CurrentHeigh) + 'p].mp4' if os.path.isfile(inputVideo): print('\n' + inputVideo + '\nFile has already been successfully downloaded previously.\n') else: wvdl_cfg = WvDownloaderConfig(xml, base_url, inputVideo, video_track_id, video_format_id) wvdownloader = WvDownloader(wvdl_cfg) wvdownloader.run() if not args.noaudio: for x in audio_list: langAbbrev = x['Language'] format_id = x['ID'] inputAudio = CurrentName + ' ' + '(' + langAbbrev + ').mp4' inputAudio_demuxed = CurrentName + ' ' + '(' + langAbbrev + ')' + '.m4a' if os.path.isfile(inputAudio) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio_demuxed): print('\n' + inputAudio + '\nFile has already been successfully downloaded previously.\n') else: wvdl_cfg = WvDownloaderConfig(xml, base_url, inputAudio, x['TID'], x['ID']) wvdownloader = WvDownloader(wvdl_cfg) wvdownloader.run() CorrectDecryptVideo = False if not args.novideo: inputVideo = CurrentName + ' [' + str(CurrentHeigh) + 'p].mp4' if os.path.isfile(inputVideo): CorrectDecryptVideo = DecryptVideo(inputVideo=inputVideo, keys_video=keys_all) else: CorrectDecryptVideo = True CorrectDecryptAudio = False if not args.noaudio: for x in audio_list: langAbbrev = x['Language'] inputAudio = CurrentName + ' ' + '(' + langAbbrev + ')' + '.mp4' if os.path.isfile(inputAudio): CorrectDecryptAudio = DecryptAudio(inputAudio=inputAudio, keys_audio=keys_all) else: CorrectDecryptAudio = True if not args.nomux: if not args.novideo: if not args.noaudio: if CorrectDecryptVideo == True: if CorrectDecryptAudio == True: print('\nMuxing...') pmnpType = content_info['pmnpType'] folderName = content_info['folderName'] if pmnpType=="show": MKV_Muxer=Muxer(CurrentName=CurrentName, SeasonFolder=folderName, CurrentHeigh=CurrentHeigh, Type=pmnpType, mkvmergeexe=pmnp_cfg.MKVMERGE) else: MKV_Muxer=Muxer(CurrentName=CurrentName, SeasonFolder=None, CurrentHeigh=CurrentHeigh, Type=pmnpType, mkvmergeexe=pmnp_cfg.MKVMERGE) MKV_Muxer.mkvmerge_muxer(lang="English") if args.tag: inputName = CurrentName + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p].mkv' release_group(base_filename=inputName, default_filename=CurrentName, folder_name=folderName, type=pmnpType, video_height=CurrentHeigh) if not args.keep: for f in os.listdir(): if re.fullmatch(re.escape(CurrentName) + r'.*\.(mp4|m4a|h264|h265|eac3|srt|txt|avs|lwi|mpd)', f): os.remove(f) print("Done!") else: print("\nFile '" + str(VideoOutputName) + "' already exists.") def release_group(base_filename, default_filename, folder_name, type, video_height): if type=='show': video_mkv = os.path.join(folder_name, base_filename) else: video_mkv = base_filename mediainfo = mediainfo_(video_mkv) for v in mediainfo['media']['track']: # mediainfo do video if v['@type'] == 'Video': video_format = v['Format'] video_codec = '' if video_format == "AVC": video_codec = 'H.264' elif video_format == "HEVC": video_codec = 'H.265' for m in mediainfo['media']['track']: # mediainfo do audio if m['@type'] == 'Audio': codec_name = m['Format'] channels_number = m['Channels'] audio_codec = '' audio_channels = '' if codec_name == "AAC": audio_codec = 'AAC' elif codec_name == "AC-3": audio_codec = "DD" elif codec_name == "E-AC-3": audio_codec = "DDP" elif codec_name == "E-AC-3 JOC": audio_codec = "ATMOS" if channels_number == "2": audio_channels = "2.0" elif channels_number == "6": audio_channels = "5.1" audio_ = audio_codec + audio_channels # renomear arquivo default_filename = default_filename.replace('&', '.and.') default_filename = re.sub(r'[]!"#$%\'()*+,:;<=>?@\\^_`{|}~[-]', '', default_filename) default_filename = default_filename.replace(' ', '.') default_filename = re.sub(r'\.{2,}', '.', default_filename) default_filename = unidecode(default_filename) output_name = '{}.{}p.PMNP.WEB-DL.{}.{}-{}'.format(default_filename, video_height, audio_, video_codec, args.tag) if type=='show': outputName = os.path.join(folder_name, output_name + '.mkv') else: outputName = output_name + '.mkv' os.rename(video_mkv, outputName) print("{} -> {}".format(base_filename, output_name)) from pywidevine.decrypt.wvdecryptcustom import WvDecrypt from pywidevine.cdm import cdm, deviceconfig def do_decrypt(init_data_b64, cert_data_b64, device, licurl, licheader): wvdecrypt = WvDecrypt(init_data_b64=init_data_b64, cert_data_b64=cert_data_b64, device=deviceconfig.device_android_generic) chal = wvdecrypt.get_challenge() headers = { 'authorization': licheader } try: license_res = requests.Session().post(url=licurl, data=chal, headers=headers, proxies=proxy_cfg.get_proxy('meta')) license_base64 = base64.b64encode(license_res.content) except Exception: print(license_res.text) license_base64 = "Error" return license_base64 if license_base64 != 'Error': wvdecrypt.update_license(license_base64) wvdecrypt.start_process() Correct, keyswvdecrypt = wvdecrypt.start_process() return Correct, keyswvdecrypt else: keyswvdecrypt = [] Correct = True return Correct, keyswvdecrypt def get_keys(lic_info, pssh): Correct = False keys_new = [] device = deviceconfig.DeviceConfig(deviceconfig.device_android_generic) while Correct is False: Correct, keys_new = do_decrypt(init_data_b64=bytes(pssh.encode()), cert_data_b64=None, device=device, licurl=lic_info['license'], licheader=lic_info['lic_header']) return keys_new def DecryptAudio(inputAudio, keys_audio): key_audio_id_original = getKeyId(inputAudio) outputAudioTemp = inputAudio.replace(".mp4", "_dec.mp4") if key_audio_id_original != "nothing": for key in keys_audio: key_id=key[0:32] if key_id == key_audio_id_original: print("\nDecrypting audio...") print ("Using KEY: " + key) wvdecrypt_process = subprocess.Popen([pmnp_cfg.MP4DECRYPT, "--show-progress", "--key", key, inputAudio, outputAudioTemp]) stdoutdata, stderrdata = wvdecrypt_process.communicate() wvdecrypt_process.wait() time.sleep (50.0/1000.0) os.remove(inputAudio) print("\nDemuxing audio...") mediainfo = MediaInfo.parse(outputAudioTemp) audio_info = next(x for x in mediainfo.tracks if x.track_type == "Audio") codec_name = audio_info.format ext = '' if codec_name == "AAC": ext = '.m4a' elif codec_name == "E-AC-3": ext = ".eac3" elif codec_name == "AC-3": ext = ".ac3" outputAudio = outputAudioTemp.replace("_dec.mp4", ext) print("{} -> {}".format(outputAudioTemp, outputAudio)) ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg(executable=pmnp_cfg.FFMPEG, inputs={outputAudioTemp: None}, outputs={outputAudio: '-c copy'}, global_options="-y -hide_banner -loglevel warning") ff.run() time.sleep (50.0/1000.0) os.remove(outputAudioTemp) print("Done!") return True elif key_audio_id_original == "nothing": return True def DecryptVideo(inputVideo, keys_video): key_video_id_original = getKeyId(inputVideo) inputVideo = inputVideo outputVideoTemp = inputVideo.replace('.mp4', '_dec.mp4') outputVideo = inputVideo if key_video_id_original != 'nothing': for key in keys_video: key_id = key[0:32] if key_id == key_video_id_original: print('\nDecrypting video...') print('Using KEY: ' + key) wvdecrypt_process = subprocess.Popen([pmnp_cfg.MP4DECRYPT, '--show-progress', '--key', key, inputVideo, outputVideoTemp]) stdoutdata, stderrdata = wvdecrypt_process.communicate() wvdecrypt_process.wait() print('\nRemuxing video...') ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg(executable=pmnp_cfg.FFMPEG, inputs={outputVideoTemp: None}, outputs={outputVideo: '-c copy'}, global_options='-y -hide_banner -loglevel warning') ff.run() time.sleep(0.05) os.remove(outputVideoTemp) print('Done!') return True elif key_video_id_original == 'nothing': return True def DemuxAudio(inputAudio): if os.path.isfile(inputAudio): print('\nDemuxing audio...') mediainfo = mediainfo_(inputAudio) for m in mediainfo['media']['track']: if m['@type'] == 'Audio': codec_name = m['Format'] try: codec_tag_string = m['Format_Commercial_IfAny'] except Exception: codec_tag_string = '' ext = '' if codec_name == 'AAC': ext = '.m4a' else: if codec_name == 'E-AC-3': ext = '.eac3' else: if codec_name == 'AC-3': ext = '.ac3' outputAudio = inputAudio.replace('.mp4', ext) print('{} -> {}'.format(inputAudio, outputAudio)) ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg(executable=pmnp_cfg.FFMPEG, inputs={inputAudio: None}, outputs={outputAudio: '-c copy'}, global_options='-y -hide_banner -loglevel warning') ff.run() time.sleep(0.05) os.remove(inputAudio) print('Done!') get_content_info()